Classroom Rules & Procedures

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Biology I & Honors Biology

Mrs. Nicole Horn, Room 312

   Classroom Rules: 

1.      Be on time and prepared

2.      When the teacher is talking, listen!

3.    Do not eat, drink or use electronic devices in the classroom. (Items will be confiscated)

4.      Place all book bags, purses and any other items not needed for class under your desk chair.

5.      Respect your education.


Classroom Procedures:


1.      Enter the classroom quietly.

2.      Sharpen your pencil if necessary, sit in your assigned seat, and then begin working on your bell work assignment by the time the tardy bell rings.

3.      Pencils should be sharpened during bell work time or class work time, but not during notes.

4.      Remain seated unless you have permission from the teacher to do otherwise, or you are sharpening your pencil during the assigned times.

5.      Keep the classroom door closed unless the teacher gives you permission to do so.

6.      When turning in work, write your name and date in the top right corner of your paper.

7.      Raise your hand to speak when someone else is already speaking.

8.      Ms. Horn will dismiss the class. Books should be under the desk, trash should be picked up, and rows should be straight. Please do not get up to leave until permission is given.

 Consequences for Breaking Rules and Procedures: 

            1st offense – warning

2nd offense – warning

          3rd offense – parent contact and/or conference

4th offense – parent contact and referral to the office




If the class, as a whole, is able to avoid breaking the stated rules and procedures for successive days and weeks, rewards to the class will be granted, such as getting to pick your own seat, preferred activity time (PAT), computer time, and extra credit opportunities.


Additional Information

 Supplies List

1.      A two-pocket folder with 3 prongs or a 3-ring binder for notes and graded assignments that have been returned, with the Rules and Procedures page as the first page in this notebook.

2.      Pencils or pens (any color) and paper.

3.      Colored pencils or markers (for sketches and drawings).


FYI – Biology End-of-Course Test:

·         All students enrolled in Biology must take the Biology End-of-Course test. This test will be 20% their grade the last 9 weeks.

·         Students will be required to pass the Biology End-of-Course test in addition to passing the class in order to receive a high school diploma in Tennessee.

 Make-up Work/Tests:

·         It is the responsibility of the student to locate and turn in missed assignments.

·         For excused absences, make-up work can be asked for after class. This work should be completed within 3 days of the absence.

·         Unexcused absences may result in 0’s on grades for assignments missed. Grading Policy:·         Based on a Total Point System (# point earned / # points available=grade)·         There will be approximately 750 points available per 9 weeks·         ~ 375 points for Assessments~ 50% (exams, quizzes, projects,  labs, etc)·         ~ 150 points for Class work and bell work~ 20%·         ~ 150 points for class participation~20% (conduct, attendance and preparedness)·         ~ 75 points for Homework ~10%